Wednesday, April 28, 2010

The best time to plant everything!

From time to time I get asked the question "When should I plant XX" Most of the time I'm pretty quick with an answer and if I don't know right away I'm more than happy to look it up. In a continuing effort to help people in anyway that I can I wanted to share one of the secrets of the gardening world. The university systems throughout the country spend a lot of time and energy focusing on gardening, both large scale and small. I know here in NYC it's hard to imagine, but we as Americans are steeped in agricultural traditions. Because of this rich history, lots of money goes to schools in an effort to help the public at large with their gardening issues. A perfect example of this is the Master Gardeners program. Here in NYC our local Master Gardeners are hosted via the Cornell Cooperative Extension program. These folks are super nice, super helpful, and an amazing resource that should be used and used often.

That being said, this is one example of the great data these types of programs produce. Below is a planting guide specific to NYC developed by efforts at Cornell.
If you would like a .pdf copy feel free to email me or just come by the shop and I'm happy to help you out! And a big thank you to the author(s) of this report, you've done a great service to all of us slugging it out in the trenches!


So our friends over at have set up another exciting Guactacular this Cinco de Mayo (That's the 5th of May for those that don't speak the Spanish.). We at Dig were so excited to be involved last year that we have helped sponsor this years event. Here is a link to the promo-vid. Make sure you get your tickets, rumor has it this event will sell out entirely! And if you can't get tickets, make sure you call Bell House and NachosNY and ask for more tickets!! Because trust me when I say, you do not want to miss this event, see you there!

Thursday, April 22, 2010

Urban Wasteland or Tropical Wonderland?

Have you always wanted to have lush green vegetation around you but thought that it was impossible in the city? Do buzz topics like "Urban Heat Cloud" and "Indoor Air Pollutants" make you worry that the city will kill any tender plants you cultivate? Is your 8th floor walk up darker than a bear cave? Fear not city dwellers! The NY Times recently released an excellent article will all of your worries and concerns in mind.

Survivors In the City

Published: March 28, 2010


THE calendar says spring has sprung. But inside the typical city apartment, one that lacks skylights and glassy southern exposures and unlimited views of blue sky, spring does not arrive on autopilot. Many New Yorkers must actively invest in spring by adding a few hardy houseplants that can make it anywhere, like a dim walk-up in Hell's Kitchen or a tiny railroad apartment in the Bronx.

Harriet Beecher Stowe contended that caring for houseplants was a way of girding one's moral fiber, but the plants can gird one's morale as well. Try a blooming lily (perhaps a clivia) or a mini-cyclamen, which will blossom for months if the room temperature stays below 70 degrees.

For the rest of the article, jump here:

This is a great article with a list of plants that are perfect for the city. They even went so far as to speak with the president of the local chapter of the Indoor Gardeners Society. I've had the good fortune to meet with these fine folks, and let me tell you, they take indoor gardening to a level I have never seen before. You can find out more about them here:

And as a quick aside, we have all the plants mentioned in the Times article at great prices and various sizes. Come check them out for yourself and breath some life into that tiny living space of yours!

Some ear candy and a rallying call for Urban Gareners

Local pod cast 'The No Hiding Show' is a great source to discover indie bands. In this edition they talk with the band Discovery and wax philosophical about locally grown produce. Enjoy the tunes, and listen to some great reasons to get your hands dirty and start growing your own!